Hildon's new solar panels a shining success

As part of Hildon’s commitment to combat climate change and create a healthier environment, we are delighted to announce that we have installed over 900 solar PV panels onto the roof of our warehouse.

Hildon have partnered with Edward Energy and BeBa Energy to develop and install the 908 panels. These solar panels will harness enough energy to power 75 houses for an entire year, will cut the company’s carbon footprint by more than 50,000kg a year.

“Hildon is very conscious of its commitment to the environment,” commented Executive Director Debbie Jones. “Our business is based in a beautiful 160-acre countryside setting and we believe we have a responsibility to protect that same environment both now and for the future.

“With strong environmental values embedded in our DNA, installing solar panels is a natural progression for Hildon because it complements our sustainability strategy by reducing our carbon footprint and resource use.”

The scheme was developed by Kent-based Edward Energy, which focuses on the financial and risk management aspects of solar and delivered by Hemel-Hempstead’s BeBa Energy UK Ltd, another well-respected name in the world of solar PV systems.

The roof-mounted scheme will deliver 250kwp of naturally generated energy – enough to reduce Hildon’s annual electricity demand by 27%. It will generate almost 225,000 kW hours of clean electricity a year.

Shaun Beattie added: “Installing solar is now less about the subsidy and more about energy security, price stability and sustainability. Companies such as Hildon believe in protecting the environment and are switching to solar to highlight their commitment to lowering their carbon footprint.”

“Working with Hildon was a delight. The company was fully engaged throughout the process and it was clear that this wasn’t something they thought they had to do but something that they really believed to be vital to the future sustainability of their business and the environment.”

A detailed display will be mounted in the Hildon reception area showing staff and visitors exactly what difference the solar PV panels are making, hour by hour.

Hildon aims to be the most sustainable and environmentally friendly natural mineral water companies in the UK. This investment in solar technology will help make that a reality.

For Hildon this is only the beginning.
