New Hildon residents create a bit of a buzz

We are passionate about the wildlife and the environment; these principles are embedded in our DNA. The Hildon country estate is a 160 acre parkland where we are keen to preserve, enhance, encourage and sustain our local Eco system. It is with this in mind, coupled with the recent concerns over the drastic decline in the UK Bee population we decided to play our part to reverse this decline. With the help of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust we have created a bee friendly area and are now proud caretakers of over 120,000 bees spread between 3 colonies. We hope they will BEE happy in their new home in the cedar beehives located in the heart of our estate.
Debbie Jones, our Executive director, along with the help of some Help for Heroes volunteers attended a bee keeping course and will be responsible for ensuring the well-being of these productive and fascinating little creatures.